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Ask us anything
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
8.30am – 3.30pm
Monday – Friday
8am – 5.00pm
Visit Us
The Pre-School at St Joe's
St Joseph's Catholic School
Great Hadham Road
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 2NL
When will I be able to start claiming funding for my child?Use the following to determine when your child is eligible for funding: A child born between 1 April and 31 August (inclusive) will be eligible to claim the free entitlement for two years from the start of Term 1 following their third birthday (after Summer Holiday) until statutory school age. A child born between 1 September and 31 December (inclusive) will be eligible to claim the free entitlement for two years from the start of Term 3 following their third birthday (after Christmas/New Year Holiday) until statutory school age. A child born between 1 January and 31 March (inclusive) will be eligible to claim the free entitlement for two years from the start of Term 5 following their third birthday (after April Holiday) until statutory school age.
What do I have to do to claim funding?Parents/carers will be asked by our Administrator to complete and return forms periodically, so that the Pre-School can claim funding on your behalf.
Can my child take holiday during term time?Yes, we ask that you inform us in advance of your child being absent from Pre-School, please email with the dates. For non-funded children fees will still be due irrespective of holiday being taken.
What happens if my child has an accident?In the case of a minor accident occurring during a Pre-School session we will record this in our accident book which will then be signed by the parent/carer on collection of the child. Please could you make us aware of any bumps or bruises that have occurred before your child arrives for a session, including any head injuries sustained up to 48 hours prior to Pre-School attendance. This will help us to monitor whether an accident has happened at Pre-School.
What should I do if my child is sick?Please contact us if your child will not be able to attend their regular session because they are poorly. In the case of sickness and diarrhoea children must remain at home for 48 hours from the time they were last ill. There is further guidance regarding other illnesses on the NHS site. If your child has an infectious disease such as chicken pox, slapped cheek or hand foot & mouth please notify us in order that we may advise other parents and monitor the situation.
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