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What our parents say...

Ratings and verbatim comments taken from Q1 2023 parent survey. (Thanks parents!)

15 respondents (54% respondent ratio).  All 10 comments submitted are shown.

“We absolutely love everything about St Joe's Pre.  We have a happy confident and engaging child who loves her friends and teachers!  It is particularly noticeable how much attention is given to each child and what they're into - be it story telling or baking or phonics.  Amazing!"

Overall experience

Very satisfied (80%) or satisfied (20%) with their overall experience of St Joe's Pre.


Very likely (73%) or likely (20%) to recommend St Joe's Pre as a child care and educational provider to friends and family.


Out of 10 for how settled their child is at St Joe's Pre.


Very satisfied (73%) or satisfied (27%) with facilities (learning installations, learning space and learning provocations).

Teaching & support

Very satisfied (73%) or satisfied (20%) with the teaching and support we're providing.


Very satisfied (67%) or satisfied (33%) with learning opportunities and activities offered. 

General skills

Out of 10 for progress in their child's general skills development since joining.

Social skills

Out of 10 for progress in development of their child's social skills since joining.

Communication skills

Out of 10 for progress in development of their child's communication skills since joining.

© 2022 by The Pre-School at St Joe's Ltd. 

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